IT Support in Austin: Understanding Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
Role-based access control (RBAC) certainly sounds inherently complex, yet there is no reason to be intimidated by it, according to our IT support team in Austin. In short, RBAC limits access to a network in accordance with the individual’s role in the company.
RBAC has emerged as one of the primary advanced access control methods. Here is a closer look at the importance of RBAC:
RBAC Basics
RBAC roles are a reference to network access levels specific employees enjoy. Employees are only permitted to access data necessary to perform job duties in an effective manner. Network access hinges on an array of factors ranging from job competency to the individual’s responsibilities at work, level of authority, etc. Furthermore, even access to specific computer resources can be minimized to certain tasks such as the ability to make, alter or even view specific files. This means employees at the bottom of the workplace totem pole will not be able to access highly sensitive information unless such access is necessary to get work done. This approach is particularly prudent if your organization relies on third-parties or contractors for your operations. The proper use of RBAC ultimately secures important data and applications.
RBAC Implementation
Do not be intimidated by the prospect of implementing RBAC at your business— our IT support team in Austin is here for you! We will help you take the broad steps necessary to properly implement RBAC without irritating workers, creating confusion or stifling productivity. It will be necessary to compile a list of all hardware, software, and apps that are secured, typically with a password. Even server rooms should be listed as data protection extends to physical security. Finally, you will have to write down the names of all individuals with access to such programs for a complete overview of the existing data scenario. The roles of employees with such access should also be written down on the list.
Once the “snapshot” of your current computing environment is taken, it is time to write the policy. If the policy includes any changes, they must be provided to current employees and future hires. The next step is to make the planned changes. Though the first RBAC implementation will likely need to be tweaked due to imperfections, you can improve it as necessary as time progresses.
We are on Your Side
Whether you need assistance with RBAC, networks, software, hardware or anything else IT-related, our IT support team in Austin at Contigo Technology is at your service. Contact us today to learn more about our IT services and schedule an initial consultation.