How to Prevent Ransomware Attacks with IT Support in Austin
IT support experts in Austin advocate for best data management practices because data is valuable. According to Clutch, 60% of the businesses that lose data shut down within six months. As technology advances, the threat to business data increases. Cybercriminals are finding more sophisticated means of launching attacks on businesses. Ransomware is one of the most common types of malware used by cybercriminals to launch attacks.
When transferred through emails, it denies the user access to data unless a ransom is paid. This can interfere with the flow of business operations and lead to losses.
Here’s how you can protect your business data from ransomware:
Have a Data Backup and Recovery Plan
Ransomware attacks are on the rise. Unfortunately, most businesses are not prepared for them. As much as you may have tight security in place, the chance is high that one of the many attacks will be successful. This is why you need to work with providers of IT support in Austin to implement a data backup plan.
Depending on the data on your PC is a recipe for disaster. Employ the 3-2-1 rule: have three copies of your data, two copies of data that should be stored in different medium on-site, and one copy that should be stored offsite, like in the cloud. This eliminates the single point of failure. In case ransomware is spread through an email, business operations shall not be paralyzed as you have another copy of data.
Do Email Sandboxing
According to the book, “Artificial Intelligence and Security Challenges in Emerging Networks” by Ryma Abassi of University of Carthage in Tunisia, 59% of ransomware is spread through phishing emails. Phishing emails can be prevented through email sandboxing. The technique entails creating an isolated environment where all your emails go through before coming to your inbox. The sandbox detects malicious files and blocks them from getting to your network.
Do Regular Security Scans
Prevention is better than cure. Do not wait until disaster strikes to tighten your security. Regular scans will help you detect potential threats and eliminate them. The scans should be done on your employees’ computers and mobile devices. While doing the scans, also create cybersecurity awareness among your employees. Give them training, if possible.
That way, they will be aware of the potential threats and know how best to mitigate them. Employees are usually the weak points, and attackers will not miss the chance to use them to get access to your data.
Do not make it easy for cybercriminals to have way with your data. Put in place layers of security with the help of IT support providers in Austin. Use strong passwords, do email sandboxing, install and update anti-virus in your computers and let the employees know about the risks of losing data. At Contigo Technology, we help businesses to protect themselves from ransomware attacks. Contact us for more information.